American Cherry - Buy Online
American Cherry is used extensively for furniture and cabinet making because of its appealing colour and grain. It is also used in high-class interior joinery. American Cherry can be highly polished and is fairly easy to work with.

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American Cherry Information
American Cherry has a straight, close grain. The timber can vary in colour from reddish-brown to a rich red.
Other Names
Black cherry, cabinet cherry Prunus serotina Family: Rosaceae
Occurs in the deciduous forest areas from Ontario to Florida and from the Dakotas to Texas, but only in small quantities or as scattered trees.
The Tree
A medium-sized tree, 18m to 21m tall, with a diameter of 0.5m
The Timber
The timber is hard, with a fine, straight, close grain, the heartwood varying in colour from reddish-brown to rich red, the narrow sapwood being pinkish. Fine, narrow, brown-coloured pith flecks, and small gum pockets are a common feature of the wood, which weighs about 580 kg/m3 when dried. It is moderately durable, works fairly easily, turns well, and takes an excellent polish.
The Uses
Because of its beautiful grain and colour it is favoured for furniture and cabinet-making, but it is also used for pattern-making, tobacco pipes, musical instruments, interiors for boats and high-class joinery.