iWood's PEFC Certification

Established in the UK in 2000, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is the world's largest forest certification organisation. PEFC promotes ‘good practise in the forest' to ensure that ecological, ethical and social standards are met throughout the production of timber products.
iWood is externally audited every year to ensure that the PEFC's standards are being met wherever PEFC products are being provided. PEFC products must be shown to have a chain-of-custody that proves that timber products were sourced from responsibly managed forests.
If you have specific requirements for any type of PEFC timber, call iWood on 01889 279 018.
You can learn more about PEFC at their website.

Open our PEFC Certificate as a PDF in a new window

Open the PEFC member database to see the status of our PEFC accreditation