Greenheart Wood Suppliers
Greenheart is an extremely dense durable timber which is often used in heavy duty, marine and freshwater construction.
Alongside Teak, Greenheart, is one of the few timbers which has a long lifespan when used in marine environments making it perfect for outdoor use and boat building.

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Greenheart Timber
The main advantages of working with this timber is its sheer strength and density which make it ideal for a wide range of heavy duty and commercial uses. Boats, bridges, decking, flooring, chemical vats and much more can be machined and crafted out of Greenheart wood.
As the wood is naturally resistant to infestation greenheart is used a lot in the Caribbean where wood ants cause problems when Pine is used instead.
Supplied Cut to Size and Machined
We can supply greenheart in beams to be used in construction or as cut to size boards. The timber can also be machined into profile if you would like to use it as a flooring or decking. Due to ever changing prices we can only provide quotation upon request for greenheart rather than live prices available on the majority of timbers on our website. So please fill out the form above and we will provide a quotation to you as soon as we can.
We can provide section sizes in Greenheart timber of up to 350x350mm and subject to availability we may be able to get larger than that. So please send through any requirements and we will be happy to take a look.

Greenheart timber was used to sheath the hulls of two of the most famous wooden ships in history, the Fram and the Endurance. These ships were both built for Arctic expeditions in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.
The Fram in particular fared well against the icy conditions as the hull was a bowl shape so as the ice created pressure around the hull it pushed the ship up so that it floated on top of the ice which meant that it wouldn’t be crushed. The ship completed three arctic journeys, two in the North and one in the south.
After completing the arctic expedition of Fridtjof Nansen, helping Otto Sverdup to chart the arctic islands and being the first ship to reach the South Pole, the Fram, was left to decay in storage before being moved to the Fram Museum in Oslo.