Southern Yellow Pine - Buy Online
Southern Yellow Pine is used in construction and exterior-finish projects. It's moderately durable and fairly easy to work with, although any resin can cause problems with clogging saw teeth. Southern Yellow Pine can produce a good finish.

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Southern Yellow Pine Information
The timber of Southern Yellow Pine varies from a creamy-white colour to a light straw, or light reddish-brown.
Other Namer
American pitch pine, Gulf Coast pitch pine, long leaf pitch pine (UK) ; southern pine, long leaf yellow pine, longleaf (USA). Pinus palustris and Pinus elliottii
Pinus palustris range from south-east Virginia to Florida and Texas occurring along the coasts of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico in a forest belt some 200 kilometers deep. Pinus elliottii occurs in the same area but is more restricted, ranging from South Carolina to Florida and along the Gulf of eastern Louisiana.
The Tree
Both species attain a height of 30m and a diameter of 0.75m or slightly more.
The Timber
The sapwood is narrow in the better grades, sometimes up to 50mm wide, lighter in colour then the heartwood which is yellowish-brown to reddish-brown. Both species are typical of the hard-pine class, being resinous, with the growth-rings usually well-marked by the contrast between the light-coloured early-wood, and the dense, darker-coloured late-wood, which produces a rather coarse texture in the wood, especially in the fairly rapid grown material with its wide growth-rings. The timbers weigh about 670 kg/m3 on average when dried. The lower density material of Pinus palustris and pinus elliottii together with other species termed southern yellow pine, is lighter in weight, coarser in texture, inferior in strength, and usually has a wider sapwood, sometimes as wide as 150mm.
All these species dry well with little degrade.
The general strength properties of pinus palustris and pinus elliottii compare closely with those of ‘Douglas fir’.
Moderately durable.
Working Qualities
Works moderately easily, but the resin is often troublesome, tending to clog saw-teeth and cutters, and to adhere to machine tables. Saws with teeth of fairly long pitch reduce the effect of resin. A good finish is obtainable, and the wood can be glued satisfactorily, takes nails and screws well, and gives fair results with paint and other finishing treatments.
Heavy construction, exterior finish, flooring, ship-building for spars, masts, decking, dock work. The lower density grades are used for joinery, light construction, boxes and crates.