Enquire About Sycamore
Cut to Size or Planed all Round
Instant European Sycamore Sawn To Size Timber Quotes. Easily enter your cutting list. Buy online.

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We provide prime quality European Sycamore either planed or cut to size so you get the finish required.
Sycamore is ideally suited for turnery, furniture and flooring. We supply the timber untreated ready for you to work with.
Cut to Size
Our Cut to Size sycamore is cut down to your measurement, no machining takes place so you will receive the rough sawn finish.
Planed All Round
Planed All Round Sycamore is left with a smooth finish on all edges (the two ends are still left rough sawn). These will give you the exact sizes on the edges and lengths will be slightly over because they are straight off the saw.
If you have ordered with us online and would like to add sycamore to your order please let us know and we will quote you for the pieces you need. You will not need to meet the minimum order amount just for this timber if it is with another in progress order.
If you would like to order Sycamore to meet the minimum order then please follow one of these two steps:
- Email through your entire cutting list to enquiries@iwood.co.uk
- Use the form above to send through your sycamore cutting list and then add your other items to your basket. We will then be able to give you a price for your sycamore and complete your order.
If you have any questions please call us on 01889 279 018 or talk to us on our online chat today.