Buy American White Oak Planed All Round
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FAS Planed All Round American White Oak

American White Oak is perfect for heavy construction, furniture, pews and pulpits, doors counters, ladder rungs and coffins. One of its more popular uses though is for making containers for beer, wine and alcoholic spirits – Cooperage White Oak Barrels.
Although it has similar properties to its European counterpart the American Oak tends to have more variation in colour ranging from pale yellow-brown to pale reddish-brown. Despite being a durable timber, American Oak isn’t suitable for external use and is better utilised internally for furniture, ornamental pieces, pews and other internal joinery.
Planed American White Oak has a smooth ready to use finish so all you need to do is cut the timber down to the length you need (Planed All Round Timber is supplied slightly over length). The sizes you enter when working out the price for your timber are the finished sizes so these are what the timber will be planed down to.
Our American Oak is graded as “FAS” which is the highest quality available in imported American and African timbers.
FAS Grade Timber yields long, clear cut boards which is ideal for furniture, cabinetry and interior joinery. This is the highest quality timber and comes from the original “First and Second” Grade found in American, African and some European timbers.
American White Oak Tree
Native to central and eastern North America, White Oak is commonly found in Minnesota, Ontario, Quebec, Florida and Texas. The trees grow between 15m and 30m tall and their trunks are around 1m in diameter.
Oak trees shed varying numbers of acorns every year and the mature trees have what’s called a “Mast” year where acorns will rain down in excessive amounts. The year before the “Mast” the Oaks have what’s called a starve year where almost no acorns are produced, this is believed to starve off mammal populations, so that the acorns have chance to grow. This is because only 1 in 10,000 acorns actually grow into Oak trees so in order to survive the oak tree needs to make the most out of its “Mast” year.
We have built our reputation on supplying quality timber, ensuring you have the greatest percentage of usable American White Oak timber possible from your order.
If you enter the following settings into the calculator above, this is the price for planed all round American White Oak planks you will get.
FAS Quality: 26mm x 50mm x 2m - £20.32 INC VAT (£16.93 EX VAT)
(Product #: IW-3-25-11);

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American White Oak
Species Group:
Temperate Hardwoods
3 - Moderately Durable (Learn about timber durability)
Colour Description:
White / cream
Mean Density:
770 KG/m3
FAS Quality
Product Code: IW-3-25-11
Specify FAS Quality American White Oak Planed All Round from iWood Timber
Our timber is imported straight from sawmills on the continent. Our usual lead times are therefore 10 to 14 working days.
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Delivery costs vary by location, and you can view a full range of prices for UK mainland on our deliveries page. For other areas such as Northern Ireland, Rebublic of Ireland, Isle of Man, etc please call us on 01889 597 281 for a delivery price.
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Our delivery lorries visit different parts of the country on different days, so once your order is ready we will work with you to arrange a delivery day for when one of our lorries is in your area. We will always arrange the delivery day in advance with you.
Delivery times
We deliver weekdays Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am to 5pm. Our delivery vehicles will have multiple jobs on them which can affect the delivery time to you, depending on factors such as traffic and how long it takes to offload the previous jobs. The driver will call you in advance with an estimated time of arrival to make sure you'll be there.
The ordering process
After placing your order securely online you receive an email confirming the items you have ordered. When your order has arrived at iWood HQ and is ready for dispatch, we will give you a call to arrange delivery.
Can I order samples?
Yes you can, you can order samples of certain timbers online. If the species you need isn't there please give us a call or talk to us on our online chat.
The timbers shown are planed all round samples and are not profiled.
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