Oak Gazebos - Design and Buy Online
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Final gazebo design is confirmed by drawing approval after order. The 8 to 10 weeks (From Sign Off of Drawings) leadtime starts from then.
Examples of our Work

Oak Gazebo Information
Every single one of our oak gazebos are made from the highest quality fresh sawn oak and delivered as a kit to be put up by your builder.
Regardless of the style and size you choose, all of our oak gazebos are made bespoke, so we're currently working to a 8 to 10 weeks lead time, from approval of the drawings we make for you.
The main frames of our gazebos are held together with pegs in traditional mortice and tenon joints. The rafters are held with stainless steel screws. We will provide information on where these can be purchased.
All the woodwork is already complete, so you only need a general builder to put them up, rather than a carpenter.
Ordering Process
When you place an order with us, we will create detailed drawings for you to approve, before we put your gazebo into manufacture. Our lead time begins from your approval.
Oak Gazebo Options
Size and Shape
The first choice is the shape and size of oak gazebo you'd like. We offer square, rectangular, round and hexagonal.
You can choose one of the set sizes or choose the "custom" option and enter your own, exact sizes. The sizes are measured from the outside of post to the outside of the opposite post.
You can also choose the thickness of the oak you'd like. Larger gazebos look better with thicker oak.
Optional Boarding
Most people like to look up and see the battens and underneath of the shingles. If you'd prefer to look up and see a uniform timber, you can choose from a range of tongue and groove boarding to sit between the rafters of the gazebo and your battens and shingles.
Battens are fixed across the rafters of the gazebo, or onto the boarding if you choose it. If you're fitting our cedar shingles, the battens should be spaced at 125mm, centre to centre. We offer treated softwood or planed oak battens.
90% of customers fit cedar shingles to their gazebos and 90% of those are the "untreated" option. The treated shingles are a lot darker in colour and are sometimes specified by architects.
Some customers choose to use their own tiles to make the gazebo fit in with existing buildings, or as a condition of planning approval if going in to protected area.
You should talk to a builder about the foundations for your gazebo. They will likely suggest concreted pads underneath each post.
It is most common to place your oak gazebo on staddle stones. They are around 23cm / 9 inches high and have a small metal rod on top which you fit into the bottom of the gazebo posts. Choose "Staddles stones" on the 3D designer for this option.
People also choose to embed metal rods into their foundations and sit the posts straight onto these. Some people also buy their own metal fencepost "shoes" to fix the posts to their foundations. Choose "normal posts" on the designer if you're going to do this.
Finally, you can choose to dig the gazebo posts into the ground. If you choose this option, we lengthen the posts by an extra 600mm.
You can choose to have one or more sides of your wooden gazebo clad with feather edge oak at full or half height, or to have ballustrades. Each option comes with extra supporting rails or studwork.